Phish is back - My history and Hampton 2009
In college I listened to a lot of music. Mainly a lot of Phish. Thanks to their liberal stance on sharing live music and sites like I had a nearly endless supply of shows coming in via CWRU's extremely fast pipes.
I'd download and listen to at least 1 show a day. Megen would often come into my room without me noticing because I had big dorky headphones and a Phish show on while I did my homework.
Sometime during Junior year my hard drive crashed and with it I lost hundreds of shows. I went back searching for the old stuff that I really loved but, with Phish kaput and no new sounds coming in, I didn't really enjoy it like I used to.
But now Phish is back. I haven't listened to the show yet but the setlist reminds me of the older stuff that I really enjoyed. There are some obvious classics (Fluffhead, David Bowie, Tweezer, and Harry Hood) but also some stuff that just hasn't recently been played enough (Suzy Greenberg and Loving Cup). It sounds like a great show and I'm excited to listen to it. I might not have the screaming fast internet connection I used to but with free downloads of this weekend's Hampton shows I might just get back into the scene.